Tag: origami

Curved Folding Origami Design

Curved Folding Origami Design

I am very happy to present you the new book about… yay! curved folding by Jun Mitani that was recently published in English(yay!) by CRC-press. The Curved-Folding Origami design. You can buy it on CRC-press website or at amazon. This book was first published in Japanese. Finally we can enjoy the English version! Because the …

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Origami tessellations for everyone

Origami tessellations for everyone

I am really happy to recommend you the new origami tessellationbook by Ilan Garibi. – this was the short version, so if you are already convinced to buy it, read no further 🙂 There are several origami tessellation books out there. However some of the books, are not for everyone. Ilan’s book is intended for …

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New origami book: how the lack of time can be positive

New origami book: how the lack of time can be positive

As you know I just published my fourth origami book: Floral Origami (buy the book at amazon) recently. I have so much to say, that I can’t limit myself with short social media posts 🙂 Here I am with my wall of text. What is in this origami book? I included the whole range of …

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Life works in mysterious ways: mathematical award

Life works in mysterious ways: mathematical award

My PhD mentor always encouraged me to pursue mathematical studies even  after I finish the PhD. He meant differential equations of course. Until he has seen my spiral paper foldings. Once he told me my origami is cooler than differential equations. I hope he’s proud of me, since I’ve got Honorable mention award at American …

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I recently started posting to instagram (@ekaterina.lukasheva). You’re invited 🙂 And I hope to have more short videos  of origami tessellations compared to photographs. Because I finally understood that people do not perceive how cool it is when only given one frontal image of origami. Technology finally approached me 😉 New #origami #tessellation with a …

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Spray painting origami paper

Spray painting origami paper

Along with pre painting origami paper with acrylic paint, I use spray post painting. Usually after the model is done. I like this technique for many reasons: It allows to completely change the color of the origami paper. Sometimes I fold some test fold from some bright colored origami paper and it comes out so …

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Using vinyl cutter for origami: practical guide

Using vinyl cutter for origami: practical guide

You may heard about people using some very complex tools for their origami. While they would tell you their methods in general, there are still a lot of obscurity around the topic. Let’s talk about vinyl cutters, also known as CNC-cutters or even as novel scrapbooking tools. How does vinyl cutter or scrapbooking correspond to …

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Origami tools for curved folding

Origami tools for curved folding

I get a lot of questions of how to perform curved folding. People got discouraged when I tell them about cutting machines. However there’s a way to make it by hand, and that’s exactly how I started curved folding. So you can try to make something curvy without any major investments and rare and special …

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Cutting machines FAQ in The Fold

Cutting machines FAQ in The Fold

Here is my quick FAQ about cutting machines published in The Fold. By cutting machines I mean the ones you can use for origami, of course. A lot of things have actually changed since I wrote that. And now I know some more things that cause confusion, because since then I bought a second cutter. And …

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Origami exhibition: Unfolding the Universe.

Origami exhibition: Unfolding the Universe.

I just wanted to leave a quick note about the origami exhibition in Washington D.C.. You can visit it right now. Japan Information and Culture Center hosts the exhibition called “Unfolding the Universe: Math & Science in Origami”. It is open from September 5th to October 27. The origami exhibition is related to World Origami …

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