Tag: corrugation

Origami tessellations for everyone

Origami tessellations for everyone

I am really happy to recommend you the new origami tessellationbook by Ilan Garibi. – this was the short version, so if you are already convinced to buy it, read no further 🙂 There are several origami tessellation books out there. However some of the books, are not for everyone. Ilan’s book is intended for …

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How curved fold origami tessellations are made

How curved fold origami tessellations are made

There are many kinds of origami tessellations. Some tessellations are entirely flat, some are 3-dimensional. Only some of the tessellations are made in the way that they don’t have a single straight line in their crease pattern. It may be not clear how to fold this kind of origami. Here are some examples of curved-folded …

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